Reinvention is something with which successful people are familiar. Whether in business or in personal life, in challenging times, or in times of relative calm, if you don’t evolve or change, you find yourself wondering what happened. Let’s explore the topic of reinvention in our lives…
Here are the six imperatives to reinvention:
Psychotherapy and counseling (especially in groups) has helped me greatly; I started at the age of 14, and have been going deeper into my identity ever since. Thanks to AA, the 12 Steps, Alateen, Alanon, ACOA, and surrounding myself with wonderful, caring, powerful people, I have come to know my identity relatively well (there are always new depths to explore…).
We need to be grateful for the trials that make us (and have made us) who we are. The true test of character doesn’t happen until the trials occur. War is what makes Generals. Without grist, the mill has nothing to do. Know your capabilities to tolerate and welcome the trials and strife that accompany any worthy endeavor (i.e. creating and running a business, committing to a marriage, raising kids). In the ongoing times of change and transformation, it is imperative that you know who and why you are, so you can re-tool and adapt to the reinvention that is occurring all around you.
But these yang forces can seem so intense… they often carry us away; down rabbit holes of thought, analysis, worry, and despair, which our human minds seem so prone to doing. Addressing the condition of our communities, there’s a despair in the air; a fear of the “unknown.” Since reinvention is all about the “unknown,” it’s imperative that we address this “fear” head on. For starters, who can predict the future? “The best way to “predict” the future is to invent it.” (Alan Kay said that). So how do we invent something that we’re afraid of? First, we must stop being afraid of it. Bravery is unfortunately rare in our societal ranks. But since “fortune favors the brave,” it’s time for your to prepares, accept, stand up, face the storm, and be strong enough to endure it. When the rainbows appear (and they will), our character will be stronger, and our capabilities will be more powerful.
As you continue to refine your strategies and tactics of gaining higher ground, it needs to be a planned, deliberate effort. Regardless, you will see that your “campaign” will deviate from your plan to some extent. Don’t worry; stay resolute, and continue to respect and follow that plan that YOU created and believe in. Leverage your strengths, and those of others, and plan to properly deploy and employ that capability in the marketplace.
A business associate recently said that business is all about changing with the economy, and leverage through the power of people. He believes it is all about leveraging relationships, and I agree!
It’s time to re-commit to reinvention. Be an expansive thinker like DaVinci, Edison, Einstein – tap into your brilliance, your genius. Geniuses, too, reinvent themselves.
Chris Steely is a business and personal effectiveness coach, with global experience in numerous industries. He is a veteran professional speaker, facilitator, and Business Alchemist, integrating “encompassing sustainability.” Chris has facilitated teams of hundreds around the world in areas of business success, cross-pollinating ideas and ideals, and generating results; he trained the world’s largest business coaching franchise owners, who coached and trained 15,000 business owners per week, throughout 26 countries. He is a collegiate national rowing champion, a U.S. Marine Corps Logistics Officer, and holds an MBA from Boston University. Chris’ capability to distill key principles into usable tools, coupled with his entertaining, passionate style, has made him one of the world’s most coveted facilitators and resultants.
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